good news: my yearly review at work last week went extremely well. not-so-good news: no raises due to the economy. dumb economy.
i'm not running the half this year. not enough time in the day. i feel good about it.
i bought a fedora this weekend. i'm super excited about it, mostly because i love the word "fedora." no pictures yet. my sister thinks i look like i'm going to mexico. haha...not so sure about that one.
we planted some seeds in transplant containers for our garden. basil. lemon basil. dill. cilantro. nasturtiums. carnations. peas. spinach. the rest we'll plant straight into the ground on garden day. garden day for us: april 25.
we have some new friends next door. we hung out with them last night. i laughed from 9pm-1:30am straight. love it.
in charge of children this morning during church. simon wet his pants. learned about palm sunday. glued bugs on crosses (not sure about that one), and passed off sadie's poopy diaper to kelley, who is now my hero forever.
turned in my deposit for my trip to kibera. OH! and our team just launched our very own blog. you can read our profiles, posts and more about our trip. we still have some work to do on it, but we'd love for you to stop by!
photo shoot with Sabrina and her darling Gabriella coming up this week. looking forward to it.
Why have I not seen this fedora? Also, are you still going to garden on the 25th? We're going to try to garden some that day too after my test. I'll be sad working on mine without you. :( How are your seedlings doing? I've been too busy to start any, so here's to hoping that putting the seeds directly in the ground will work.